Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It's the final countdown!

Mood music is so important

Apparently Nathan is coming home 20 days earlier then anticipated! He has a job interview for a job to follow up the one in Manitoba which he will have to go back to for a short time but still...! 5 days and I have my boy again. I can't quite get my head around it.

Gettin ready for a night on the town

Some of our nonsense in video.... (cause I don't have a way to post them other then links..I will learn stuff as I go. lol)

Probably 5th day in each others company (vancouver3yearsago)  

A date with the boy 3 years ago

lol  time lapse of eating veggie burgers :)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Random Phone Photos

Sometimes people punch me in the face.

I gain great joy from photographing myself with him while he sleeps. I dunno.


My dad tries to see what I'm doing. Sorry Dad, you're on the internet.

Da Beach

Drunkin Dorks Jam session

Adorable dress that did not fit me

Saturday, September 17, 2011

My monday is some peoples Saturday

Today I'm thinking it is a useful thing to have the Beach Boys discography. I am working on gathering it now. I imagine it will contrast Fall just perfectly. I do adore Fall though. Right now "Crimson and Clover" is stuck in my head..

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Everyday should be a holiday....

The day Nathan left. I have some red eyes there. hehe

This years babies

Garden about 1 month ago. Things were just sprouting up.

A dinner

Left overs from our Landlord/friends.Was awesome!

The garden now!!

Better pictures to come. Here is a bit of the flowers and beets

Random plant I planted but can't identify.

The first yellow bean! It was delicious!

The squash are starting up!

A bike ride kind of day.

I always say it doesn't feel like home but Vancouver really is a beautiful city.

Not a lot of cities look like this.

The  rock balancer

some had faces

First lil harvest

Steaming beets! I'm too lazy to go rotate this .lol

First time having beet stems and possibly beet greens. I am here to say I love the stems! LOVE!